Craftside: "L" is for Layout- Do you like to control or go with the flow?
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« "L" is for Labels as in Campbell's Soup label Scrapbook page from the Book Ultimate Scrapbook Style and my ATC's Inspired by it | Main | "M" is for Mmmmmmmm mess of marvelous Crafty Blogger Links »

March 27, 2009



I tend to combine the two--I lay things out and perhaps trace some outlines for placement, but rarely glue them down in advance. Instead I try to be open to surprises and new things as I develop the page.


As a mixed media person, this books looks like it's right up my alley. I try to plan ahead as much as possible, but there always some surprises. The unexpected adds a bit of magic.

sheila johnston

I think I need to do more planning. As I lay out my materials when I am making a collage, I usually glue them down too early.
I sometimes end up lifting pieces, so I can place another item partially under it.

Maybe I should use something less permanent than a glue stick when I initially glue the items down.

Lynda Taylor

As I am still getting into this mixed media I am still very much a planning person.
I have to let more surprises happen.

Dawny Owen

I tend to go more with the flow. I don't like to glue down unless it's neccessary. I might try it the other way and see what happens.


I start with a rough idea and work from that point. The outcome might be completely different than the original idea:-)


I do illustrations in watercolor and pen and ink and those are meticulously planned out. So I think that is why in my mix media art I just let myself go wild and free. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't stop to check in and look at the design etc. But I rarely do all the prelim stuff.

Yvonne Davis

I do a little of both. Some times I plan it out in my head and sketch a loose layout. But usually when I get the paints on the substrate things start to change. Otherwise I just pick some paint colors and see what happens. I find I get stuck more times if I go that route. So, there is something to be said for planning.

wendy m.

I usually go with the flow - I will "preview" the location of some items before I glue them down, but rarely sketch or plan beyond that. I just picked up this book, and it is wonderful!

Ivy Wreden

I am just getting started with new open acrylics, laying down colors tonight. so I am planning, but if it goes as planned I would be surprised. I want to see what happens and go with the flow. Experiment and do something experimental. I use to do experimental ink and you did not know for a week or more what it looked like until you pulled the plastic off. That was so fun.

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