Craftside: How to make a Photo-Based Painting from the book: Creative Paint Workshop
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April 30, 2009


Juliet A

My never fail trick is to show it to my daughter (age 17). We give each other artistic advice all the time.


Hah! To paraphrase my mother, "It's done when I say it's done!"

Cyndi - Dreams Unltd

I'm not sure I would call it a "trick." I just let the piece speak to me. Most times when I feel it's not done, if I look carefully I see that something is out of balance. When I figure it out and fix it, it's done!

Jennifer Conway

It's hard to put into words, but just trust your "gut feeling". You'll just know if it's done or not. If there's a little something that just bugs you, or feels "ignored", or "left out", then you know it needs a little something extra done to it. When you add some other element, you'll go "ah ha!", and know that it's finished. If you don't add the extra thing, it will always bug you (haunt you) that it's not finished, or just not quite right.

Also - sleep on it and look at it with fresh eyes the next day!

*smiles* ~Jen

Sharron Arnold

As in painting, turn your work upside down, or look at it in a mirror. If it needs something else, that area will jump out at you. The idea being that by looking at your work in a different perspective, it appears as a whole new piece of work. Hugs, Sharron A in Aust.

sheila johnston

All of the previous comments are great. I do show my work to my husband son, and rely a lot on their comments. Looking at it upside down works, too. But for me, the real test is when I start fiddling: "just one more piece....a little more colour over here.
Then I know for sure that it's time to stop.

By the way, I love t his book. The step by step instructions are easy to follow.

Eula McPherson

I decide it's done when it no longer looks like it is missing something, but before I add things that make it look "busy" or muddy. I also use the upside down method and the mirror method.


"done", huh! what i check for is balance of the larger images and connectedness. i stand back. i also take my glasses off so i can get a perspective about whether or not i can move around the piece visually and find that all areas have been addressed.

wendy m.

I sometimes use the upside-down trick that Sharron mentioned. I also will squint to see if anything looks too obvious or unbalanced. I like the mirror idea - I'll have to try that one, too.


When you can't think of anything else to do to it.

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