Craftside: The first how to video in Craftside's Look, Learn & Create series with Author Christi Friesen
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May 19, 2009



The heart bead is so cute. I can see all kinds of possibilities with that.


Debi Jenkins

I just love the heart it really fits my frustrating days! Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone. I look forward to making more mixed media Items. You are the best!


I love Christie and I have this book...bought it as soon as I found it. Love all of her work and I will be making one of these hearts...they are so cute and perfect to wear when I'm having a bad day.


christi is a hoot! i now know that the process only works with sound effects. i think i am about to take a new look at the polymer clay that is sitting in the bottom box on the floor! best wishes.


This is a brilliant idea. I am a therapist and I love to do art projects with my clients and I think this would be a fantastic one to do with some of them. Thank you for the video!


Christi is an awesome artist and a generous person. This litte heart is on my to do list as soon as I get to feeling up to it. I can think of a few people who would just love to recieve one. Thanks so much sharing.


Christi is so talented and lucky for us that she shares her ideas and techniques so freely. If you ever get the chance, take one of her workshops - her personality is as much a treat as the learning experience.


Although I was already an admirer of Christi's work, this is the first time that I have seen her "live" on video. I must say, she is as adorable and lively as her whimsical playful artworks! Thank you for sharing this with us! :)


What a cute and whimsical project! I work with special needs children and adults and I think they will love doing this!

Judie Guder

Christi's heart is just adorable. Some days are just like that heart. And Christi's sense of humor is great.
Thank you for sharing.

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