Craftside: Good Angel / Bad Angel Birds on the back of my shoulder t-shirt iron-on project from Rock & Street Culture free graphics
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August 18, 2009


f lynn rush

when i solder, i seem to end up with a gloppy mess. i use the solder that already has the flux in it, and i use a regular ordinary soldering tool. i use copper tape - probably about .25" wide. i really love the look of microscope slides and other small pieces of glass or pottery surrounded by solder. how can i get the soldering thinner and smooth?

Maxine Kollar

I love, love, love the good angel - bad angel embellishment. I'm going to look for the Design Parts Sourcebook up here in Canada.

Thank you ever so much for answering my question on shrinking sweaters. It's so easy from the description. I can hardly wait to start working on the felted items.

I have another question. I am also going to be making cloth lined purses with a vintage look. I am going to be using an assortment of materials for handles bamboo, acrylic wood already made handles, some recycled, some from cloth and wide tape. The one that I am having a bit of a problem with is the clear plastic tubing. I would make it just as a carry purse strap length and maybe put some loose beads etc inside the clear plastic. How do you get the ends of the clear plastic to attach to the purse. It's too heavy to sew through. I guess you could try to rivet but that may weaken the ends. Melting them requires real careful work and maybe some coverup with cloth. Any suggestions?


Would using an eyelet setting tool help with the tubular handles? Then you could attach them to the purse with whatever thread, fiber or lacing you wished. I like your idea of filling the tubes with something else. Beads, sequins, very thin ribbon, rolled fabric etc. would look great toning with your material.

I don't know the size of the tube you are planning to use. If it is too small for an eyelet then I would guess you could get a similar fixing by piecing it with a hot needle.

If you have a really fine pointed soldering iron perhaps you could piece the plastic handles that way?

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