Craftside: Enter to win a Free Mixed-Media Doll handmade by Linda O'Brien, co-author of Who's Your Dada?
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November 16, 2009


Susan Bluerobot

Question 2 answer. Last thing i made that every time i look at it makes me smile is my blog mascot the ROBOT he is made out of card stock (thanks for the chance to enter)

Steve Lacroix

I'm a 57 father so this might be a bit of an odd comment. My favorite doll as a child was a little boy hand made doll I called "Stevie". Stevie lived at my grandmother's weekend/summer house. I was never allowed to take Stevie home, but he was always there when I visited and we would be pals. We explored all of the little areas away from the house together and discovered many wonderful things, butterflys, junebugs, fruit growing on the trees, flowers and such. My grandmother's husband didn't much like the fact that I had "a doll" and I was certain that if he just got to know Stevie, he would realize that he was so much more than a doll. I don't remember when, but one summer vacation as we arrived for a week at the house, I couldn't find him resting on the bed I shared with my sister and brother, waiting for me to arrive. As hard as I looked, Stevie was nowhere to be found. My visits to the house after Stevie left (my grandmother assured me that no harm had come to him) were never quite the same, nor did I look forward to going for weekends now that my little blue-eyed friend had gone away. I've never forgotten him and can still see him when I close my eyes.

Lisa Gallup

I had TWO fave was Chatty Baby. My sister had a Chatty Kathy and one day she pretended to cut Kathy's hair. I thought she REALLY cut the hair, so I basically scalped my Chatty Baby; I was soooo upset when I realized she had just "pretended"! My other favorite was a rag doll named Marie that my Grandma made me. She is armless and missing hair, but I still have her in a doll stand on my dresser. :) xoxo
The last thing I made that put a smile on the old face was a fun little assemblage with a tree branch and a red bird in it. :)It was DEFINITELY out of my comfort zone as I am primarily a painter. :)


My favorite doll was an old "Mama" doll my German Oma gave me. I played with her even after the "Mama" box fell out of her back leaving a big, round hole. Her hair stands on end from countless washings. I still have her and the dresses my Oma knitted for her. She lives in the doll trunk with all my china dolls and plush. Some day she and my mother-in-law's very old china doll Molly will be going to the Doll Hospital for a nice spa treatment.

The thing I've made that makes me smile is a tiny beaded tree doll. She is one of the few things I've beaded that I kept for myself.

Kelley Arasim

My favorite doll when growing up was a Chatty Cathy doll. Yep, I'm from that generation. LOL Though I had several dolls I loved..and can remember all their names...I still actually have a couple of them, including the original Barbie, Midge and Skipper (plus of course, Ken). But Cathy was great because...she talked! Mine still works...but is in storage. All of them are too precious for me to have sitting out and one day will most likely be "tossed" by my kids. :( But I do hold on to one on my bedroom dresser...a ten inch American Indian girl with a buckskin beaded dress on...and if you "walk her feet/legs"...her head moves back and forth also. My grandparents brought her back to me (my older sister got the mom w/ papoose) when they went out west one year when I was about five. My daughter (14) has her eye on that one. LOL


question one- my favorite doll was Jem- it was like a barbie but she was all rockstar!
Question 2- the last thing I made that made me smile was a quilt that represented the end of a tough couple of years and the beginning or a new life

MaryAnn Scheblein-Dawson

My favorite doll was Tressy. She was like Barbie but her hair could grow. My mom made clothes for her, either sewn or knitted, and so did I. My girlfriend's mother gave me scraps from the georgeous evening gowns she sewed and I fashioned them into one-of-a-kind outfits. I still have her and most of her wardrobe.

Mary Anne

I actually had three favourites and still have them all. Unfortunately I have no clue what their names were, but I remember getting one from my bachelor uncle and the other from Santa - both the same year. My absolute favourite though was a stuffed Lassie dog pajama holder. I loved that dog to bits - quite literally! He is still in my cedar chest and I can't bear to part with him, even though he's threadbare and his nose has been chewed pretty much off!

Kathy Cunningham

My favorite doll when I was growing up was a Barbie doll since I learned how to sew her clothes and I learned how to put on buttons , snaps, lace, other embellishments. I am sad to say that I do not have her today. For a long time, I was interested in having children and raising them and Barbie got away from me. Now I am back to doing my crafts and sewing and other arts.

jean b.

these answers surely give away my age, but my first favorite doll was a "Betsy Wetsy"... and i still have it. a recent toy acquisition at a resale shop was a giant plastic "Cootie"; it remains on guard in the studio until i figure out what to do with it. glitter?

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