Craftside: How to crochet a four-color spiral from the new book: The Complete Photo Guide to Crochet by Margaret Hubert
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December 08, 2009


Marjorie Jumisco

It is amazing what a good teacher can do. At my school I learned how to cook and sew. My mother taught me to darn: not much of that anymore! I self taught crochet and have been taking lessons in book arts. Today I have a collection of books that I can use as references & there are still many folks who are willing to share their skills.

MAry Anne

The first 'craft' I can remember doing was a gigantic crocheted granny square afghan made from nylon yarn. My aunt taught me the basic stitches and I went on from there. Pretty much all the other things I do I learned from books. I live in an area where there are few classes to be had, so books were the best option until the internet came along.

Lila Schmidt

I am self taught mostly. At one time a friend helped me in my quest to learn how to dry brush ceramics. Usually I can see a picture or a finished product and then come home and create it myself. I do better that way than with instructions. I do ask questions and listen to how others accomplish a certain craft, but in the end,it is usually my own creation and idea. But one thing I have tried for years to learn to do is crochet. I have taken lessons many times and still can't master this skill.

Rebecca Jones

My grandmother taught me to crochet along with how to knit, tat, embroidery and other crafts.


My grandmother taught me the fundamentals of needlework but I didn't really start taking any classes until I joined EGA 20+ years ago. My cake decorating was first learned through a park and rec class,then at the local cake shop and I progressed to taking professional classes from traveling teachers over the years. A lot of the other crafts I do are mostly self taught or shared learning experiences with friends at craft groups and shops.

wendy m.

My mom taught me how to sew, and my best friend in grade school taught me how to crochet (well, mostly just those funny little worm bookmarks).I've taken a lot of classes, both in "real life" and online, for the more paper-related crafts, like bookmaking, etc.

Lynda Taylor

My mum taught me to knit,sew and crochet.
My friends over the years have taught me other skills such as scrapping and car making and I have used the internet and books (I especially love books) to learn other skills such as jewellery making and beading and to improve my skills also.


Whilst my grandmother taught me the rudiments of crochet and knitting, and my mother taught me to sew a garment, nothing really stuck.

Life intervened and it wasn't until much later in life that I discovered the wonderful courses in Creative Studies at South Nottingham College here in England. I will be taking these and other one day courses for as long as I can manage to get to them.

Both the information and skills gained and the friends made in them are priceless.

f lynn rush

my mother taught me to crochet and knit when i was five. we made chains of left over yarn and see how long it was by waling down our street. encouraging teachers in junior and high schools. went to college in my middle 30's, and studied color and graphic design. years ago, i stopped into a local stamp store. when they closed, they were creating a stamping group, which i attended. we had projects led by different people. i learned a little. there, we met joyce, who is still our friend. she has been our stamping guru every since. she is a hobby su! demo. she has taught us quite alot. we were free to experiment and play. su! is a little tame for me sometimes, so i frequently create "artsy" stuffs...collage, altered tins, books, grunge, etc. there will always be something to try. fun and stressing at the same time!

Hapi Kamper

My paternal grandmother taught me how to knit, crochet, sew (by hand and on a machine) and make clothing patterns from my favorite store-bought clothes so I could make more! (She was a pattern maker by trade.) When I was a kid, I had the best dressed dolls in town. :)

Nowadays I still occasionally make up my own (clothing) pattern if I'm looking to sew some clothes, but I'm most likely to be found with a crochet hook in my hand (and passing on the love by teaching my 4 year-old grandson how to crochet).

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