It's the day before Christmas, and all through the house there isn't a Christmas tree displayed about. What's a crafter to do? Why, rearrange your stuff on the shelves in the shape of a Christmas tree! This is what I call the ultimate re-purposing idea, and it's from the book Celebration Graphics Sourcebook: Festive Designs from All Cultures.
I hope you all have the most wonderful celebration of whatever you celebrate! Thank you my wonderful readers for a great year and I look forward to many more filled with creativity and the joy it brings!
More about the book Celebration Graphics Sourcebook: Festive Designs from All Cultures that this great last minute idea for holiday decor is from.
Celebration Graphics Sourcebook: Festive Designs from All Cultures
How dull would a seasonal holiday or special day be without the addition of celebration graphics—be it greetings cards, gift wrap, food packaging, sales promotions, gift supplements, merchandising, window displays, or room and street decorations? With international clients recognizing diverse religious observations, an increasing number of festivals, celebrations, and holidays are appearing on the calendar, and designers are being commissioned to communicate celebration greetings to audiences worldwide. Celebration Graphics Sourcebook presents innovative case studies from across all media, budgets, and cultures. Celebrations are arranged month by month, interspersed with weddings, birthdays, Name Days, and other life-marking events.
John Stones is a journalist who has written for publications such as The Observer, The Scotsman, Business and Marketing Week, Design Week, and Icon.