Craftside: Jeannine Stein is an open book in her Los Angeles Times article
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August 17, 2011


Pat Upton

This looks like a great second book for her! I already have Re-bound. Now I need Adventures! For Christmas last year, I made books of all sorts for family. I loved doing it too! There was the book pendant with attached pencil. There were the golf score books for the specific course they play. There was the sketch book for the real artist in the family. And so on. Everyone got one!

Melanie K.

I will always remember making a little mini-album/scrapbook for my kid's babysitter. She absolutely loved it and kept it out for people to look at. It really encouraged me to KEEP giving books as gifts.

Kelly Massman

I love handmade books. I just got a book on it from the library intending to make a few more! Loved your post today!


I've recently learned Coptic Binding and have been using old book covers to make new books. We also just had a class from Leslie Marsh in a friend's home, where we learned metal working and binding. I love that tee-tiny book.
But my favorite book I've received is Shel Silverstein's "The Giving Tree."


My favorite gift book was a handmade journal. I have Re-bound and would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance.


One of my favorite books is a journal that I won in a blog contest. It is made from a dictionary cover, but is now filled with blank pages and has a spiral binding. The best thing is pages from the dictionary are scattered throughout the blank pages. I love it!


The book I received that meant the most to was by Eric Carle The Very Hungry Caterpillar. My very first cooperating gave it to me when I left her class. I learned so much from her and hated to leave. She gave it to me because the kids and I had found a caterpillar and watched it go through all the stages and then released a beautiful Monarch butterfly in the end. I still have that book and truly love it!!


My favorite gift book is one I made and gave...Davida's book because I so very rarely receive them as gifts. Posted on flickr if you want to take a look I can't wait to see Jeannine's book!!!

Barbara Hagerty

My favorite gift book was a copy of a very old book of riddles and puzzles called Sphinx Lore. We were caring for my mother during her last year, and she remembered this book fondly, as one that her father would read from and use to quiz my mother and aunts and uncles when they were little. So I did a web search and found an out of print copy published in the late 1800s, and gave it to her. I've never seen anyone so excited to receive a surprise. She was so touched that I'd search out a copy and have it sent.

Maryellen Galley

Eating Mangos Naked is one of my favorite books. Given at the right time, when life just seems to keep pushing. The book helps pull me up, so sull of FUN and encouragement.

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