WOW! I've said it before and I'll say it again, "I LOVE TIPS," so the book 1,000 Clever Sewing Shortcuts and Tips is right up my alley! Want a little taste?
#12- "I use a computer mouse pad underneath my serger. It cuts down the vibrations and noise, and it protects my table from the serger's feet marks."
by Katherin
#29- "When lofty batting gets boggled up in the toes of your presser foot, remove the presser foot. Carefully wrap a piece of transparent tape around the toe area of your presser foot, but don't cover the area where your needle goes in and out. This creates an upward curving sort of ski that will glide nicely over the batting."
by Anetjay
Want 998 more great shortcuts and tips? Grab yourself a copy of: 1,000 Clever Sewing Shortcuts and Tips
Top-Rated Favorites from Sewing Fans and Master Teachers
This book contains the best hands-on insider sewing tips from the popular sewing website, a community of more than 170,000 members. The entries are collected from the website’s enormous database of members’ shared comments and advice, rated by hits and reviews. Also included are five special how-to features by's master teachers and pattern designers, who regularly conduct online chats and workshops (including Kenneth King, Susan Khalje, Sarah Veblen, Shannon Gifford, and Anna Mazur).
Deepika Prakash founded in 2001. She travels extensively to meet members and support small sewing businesses. She participates in sewing conferences throughout the United States and has hosted workshops in New York City, Portland (Oregon), and Los Angeles and also in Germany and Australia.
I have a tip in that book! It's a great resource.
Posted by: Victoria Sturdevant | February 09, 2012 at 07:37 PM