Craftside: Create art on different surfaces with the book Cultivating Your Creative Life
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« How to make a die cut window card inspired by the book Brave Intuitive Painting | Main | How to make cocktail cherries from the book Shake, Stir, Pour - Fresh Homegrown Cocktails »

June 07, 2012


Anika Adams

probably labeling my kids drawings. our family lives far away so they send pictures. my favorite was my daughter (4) when she's 'big' playing with her great-grandma when great-grandma is a kid. mixing time is fun:)

Shari J.

I collaged a wallet once and gave it to my frugal husband. He displays it as a paperweight in his office. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

Alexandra Abarca

Hi: I remember once that we made a easter egg, it was very big, the problem was that we bought a few candys and they were lost in the big egg.

Thanks for the opportunity to win that book.

Costa Rica

Kim McM

When I was about five, (a looong time ago), I made my mom a doorstop out of an old high-heeled shoe (filled with plaster of Paris), to which I glued elbow macaroni, which was then spray painted gold. I don't remember giving it to my mom, but I wish I could remember the look on her face when I did. This was a project we did in Brownies? Or Sunday school maybe? I didn't come up with the idea on my own. Crafting sure has come a long way since then!


The craziest object I painted, drew or collaged? Come to think of it, I haven't actually gone on the crazy side -- at least not yet... I plan to paint/collage a chameleon though and will post it on my blog later.

Happy creating,

PS: Oh, and thanks for the chance to win the book!

Cindy Shenkman

I've been drawing these round half animal half ball shaped creatures lately. Don't know why.......:) I do remember in kindergarten, collaging a plaster dog. I loved it! Had it for years and refused to give it up!

Kathleen Lewis

I have painted on kevlar. It is really cool to add to my collages in garments

Carrie Treanor

The craziest thing I ever created was back in high school in my advanced art class! I batiked material to look like dead dry skin and then cut and sewed a doll like sculpture wearing a rag dress of the same material. I then "hanged" it with a hangman's noose! My teacher who often called me "quiet and niave" just looked at it then looked at me and said, "You're just a little bit morbid, aren't you?" I did win second place in the art competition though. LOL!


My hand!!! No really, how about rain barrels?? I just saw that on Alena's FB wall and I thought it was lovely!


And I would LOVE to win her book! I heard from a friend it was absolutely fabulous!!!!

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