I have a building project I am thinking about and collecting materials for and Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Treehouses, 2nd edition Design & Build Your Kids a Treehouse is simply packed with great tips, tutorials and plans for great building projects. This tip for using tracing paper over a photo of the area you want to build to test out your design ideas is just what I need to do.
Click on this page from Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Treehouses, 2nd edition
Design & Build Your Kids a Treehouse to enlarge and read about how to sketch your ideas over different photos of the area you want to build a treehouse or other things.
More about this book from CPi:
Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Treehouses, 2nd edition
Design & Build Your Kids a Treehouse
Philip Schmidt
Treehouses are more popular today than ever before. Our original treehouse book, The Complete Guide: Build Your Kids a Treehouse, was published in 2007. It exceeded all sales projections right out of the gate and continues to be a leading title in the treehouse category. Now, we've made it even better. The expanded edition features three all-new treehouses shown in complete step by step detail, along with full plans. It also includes an expanded inspiration section, offering a wider variety of unique and interesting treehouses that generate ideas and excitement. This is an exciting book for parents or grandparents to use with their children.
Veteran author Philip Schmidt (Golden, CO) has written bestselling DIY volumes on a wide range of home subjects, from green remodeling to storage to building treehouses.