On the "heals" of yesterday's woof-tastic double giveaway post of The Complete Visual Guide to "Good Dog" Training and Vegan Food Gifts, I thought I'd keep with the dog theme and share this dogwood flower granny square pattern from the book The Granny Square Book: Timeless Techniques and Fresh Ideas for Crocheting Square by Square.
For 74 more fabulous granny square patterns, check out the CPi book:
The Granny Square Book:
Timeless Techniques and Fresh Ideas for Crocheting Square by Square
Margaret Hubert
Granny squares are to crochet what pieced squares are to quilting. They originated with pioneer women using up precious scraps of yarn to make blankets for their families, and over the years, many recognized, named patterns have been handed down from one generation to the next. Beyond this treasury of 75 different granny square motifs, Margaret Hubert shows the evolution of the granny square, how it can be used and interpreted in different ways with different yarns, and how today's crocheter can design her own projects using the granny squares of her choice with the yarn choices of today. Just as Margaret learned from her grandmother and mother and then passed the skill down to her daughter and granddaughter, each generation finds new uses and artistic ways to interpret granny squares.
Margaret Hubert designs for yarn companies and book and magazine publishers including Crochet, Interweave Press, Quick and Easy Crochet, Crochet Fantasy, and Belle Armoire. She teaches at yarn shops, retreats, and national gatherings and rarely misses a national conference in the needle arts field. A world traveler, Margaret pays close attention to the fashions in Europe and spots style trends as they hit New York. She is equally as passionate about knitting and crochet, and can design patterns for either, in any size or shape. Among her specialties, she is a master at free-form crochet. She is the author of 12 other books including five books in the CPi Hooked series, Knits for Men, Plus Size Crochet, Knit or Crochet–Have It Your Way, Complete Photo Guide to Crochet, and Complete Photo Guide to Knitting.
