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Here is a cool (or should I say hot?) video from Stephen Christena, author of our upcoming book Learn to Weld: Beginning
MIG Welding and Metal Fabrication Basics - Includes techniques you can
use for home and automotive repair, metal fabrication projects,
sculpture, and more.
Support The Arc Academy from Arc Academy on Vimeo.
To contribute pop on over to indiegogo: The Arc Academy.
And to listen to a cool interview with the 3 men of Arc Academy, pop on over to Vacalo.

More about the new book:

Learn to Weld: Beginning MIG Welding and Metal Fabrication Basics - Includes techniques you can use for home and automotive repair, metal fabrication projects, sculpture, and more
by Stephen Blake Christena
Master MIG welding and the metal fabrication techniques you need to
repair, create, and duplicate projects in your home welding studio. Learn to Weld
starts with the basics: setting up your studio, the right safety gear
and safety procedures, and the equipment and materials you will need to
begin with welding. With the help of step-by-step metalworking photos
and tutorials, you will learn detailed techniques for cutting and
grinding, and for joinery using a MIG welder. Practice the techniques
and projects, and you’ll soon be able to repair, create, and duplicate
metal fabrication projects in your own welding studio. Best of all, you
will have both the fundamental skills and the confidence you need to
create whatever is in your imagination. With Learn to Weld you’ll be equipped to conquer a world of welding projects.
Stephen Blake Christena is the owner of Midwest Metal Works
in Chicago, IL. MW2 offers custom fabrication services and a learning
center for hobbyists interested in MIG welding. Christena teaches
small-size courses designed to cover the basics and explore students'
projects and interests. He is also a spokesman for Miller welding
Originally from Flint, Michigan,
Christena moved to Chicago in 1998 after graduating from Western
Michigan University with a degree in art. During his time at WMU, his
primary focus was directed toward metal sculpture, photography, and
painting. He opened his first custom metal sculpture studio in August of
I know I'm mixing things up as I usually share links on Monday, but hey, who doesn't love a good list of links any day of the week?
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