The concept of using the objects, collectibles and elements you surround yourself with to arrange and inspire a painting is positively brilliant. Read all about creating object arrangements for paintings on this page from Painted Pages: New Ways of Fueling Creativity with Sketchbooks and Mixed Media.
Click on this page to enlarge and read about how to create setups that inspire paintings. This page and pins from my Valentine's Day Crafts board inspired me to make this "LOVE" element collage/quote.
The "L" is a right angle ruler
The "O" is a scrap of barbed wire
The "V" is made of 2 darts in a bud vase
The "E" is a vice clamp. I think it is used either for automotive brake-work or for making photo frames, not sure :)
If you like this art-making exercises, tutorials and prompts and want more, grab yourself a copy of:
Painted Pages:
New Ways of Fueling Creativity with Sketchbooks and Mixed Media
Sarah Ahearn Bellemare
This book shows how to use an artist's sketchbook in a new way.
Instead of the "classic" idea of an artist sketching in a sketchbook,
the author shows how to use sketchbooks as a daily working tool. While
they begin as a place to collect ideas and inspirations, readers learn
how those collections, scraps, ideas, and doodles can lead directly to,
and fuel ideas for future mixed media paintings. Specific how to's,
techniques, creative prompts, and project ideas are introduced in each
chapter to guide the reader through creating individual works of art
which launch from a variety of themes.
Each chapter includes an interview with well-known artists and
bloggers who will share a peek into their sketchbooks and journals and
readers will learn how they stay inspired and creative.
This is an inspiring and fresh collection of photographs, ideas, and
projects that the reader can use on their own to create their own
sketchbooks and mixed media works of art whether they are a seasoned
artist or someone just starting out on their creative journey.
Sarah Ahearn Bellemare
is an artist from New England who first began painting as a way to
illustrate poetry. Her mixed media paintings are layered with found
images, fragments of text from old books, and pieces of vintage maps.
These ephemera become the fabric and focus of many of her whimsical
Sarah has taught art to many students in a variety of settings
ranging from art camps to museums, teaching students age 3 to 63. Most
recently, Sarah was invited to teach her mixed media techniques at
Squam Art Workshops, and is thrilled to be returning for two more
sessions in the fall of 2011.
Sarah and her work have been featured in Somerset Studios
(March/April 2011), Cloth Paper Scissors magazine (Nov/Dec 2008),
Artful Blogging (winter 09/10), Cloth Paper Scissors: Studios (fall
2008), and Memory Makers magazine (spring 2009), as well as on a number
of prominent art and design blogs. She regularly exhibits her paintings
throughout Northeast in galleries and art fairs, as well as online in
her Etsy shop. Sarah can be found making messes in her studio on a
daily basis. See what she's up to in art and life by following her